Civil War

The Battle of Antietam : Bloodiest Day in American History

The Battle of Antietam : Bloodiest Day in American History

The American Civil War was a conflict that lasted from 1861 to 1865, and was fought between the United States of America (the Union) and 11 Southern states that had seceded and formed the Confederate States of America. The main cause of the war was the disagreement between the North and South over the issue of slavery, which had long been a source of tension in the country. The election of President Abraham Lincoln, who was opposed to the spread of slavery, was the catalyst for the Southern states to secede. The Confederate army, led by General Robert E. Lee,…
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The Battle of Gettysburg : Turning Point in the Civil War

The Battle of Gettysburg : Turning Point in the Civil War

The American Civil War was a four-year conflict that took place from 1861 to 1865, and was fought between the United States of America (known as the Union) and 11 Southern states who seceded and formed the Confederate States of America. The main cause of the war was the disagreement between the two sides over the issue of slavery and states' rights. The Confederacy aimed to protect the institution of slavery, while the Union aimed to abolish it. The conflict was initiated by the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter located in South Carolina. The Union ultimately emerged as the victor…
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African American Soldiers : Important Contribution and Role in the Civil War

African American Soldiers : Important Contribution and Role in the Civil War

The American Civil War was a conflict that lasted from 1861 to 1865, and was fought between the United States of America (referred to as the Union) and 11 Southern states that seceded and formed the Confederate States of America. At the heart of the conflict was the issue of slavery and states' rights, with the Confederacy seeking to preserve the institution of slavery and the Union determined to end it. The war was sparked by the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, located in South Carolina. The Union ultimately emerged victorious in the war, leading to the abolition of slavery…
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Slavery and its Impact on American Civil War

Slavery and its Impact on American Civil War

The American Civil War was a conflict that lasted from 1861 to 1865, fought between the United States (the "Union") and the Confederate States of America. It arose primarily out of the issue of slavery, with the South seceding from the Union after the election of President Abraham Lincoln, who was seen as hostile to the institution. The Confederacy had a number of significant military successes in the early years of the war, but the tide began to turn in favor of the Union as the war went on. One of the key turning points was the Union's victory at…
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Inspiring and Emotional Untold Stories of Civil War Nurses

Inspiring and Emotional Untold Stories of Civil War Nurses

Civil War nurses were a vital part of the American Civil War as they provided crucial medical attention to soldiers from both the Union and Confederate armies. Many of these nurses were volunteers and represented a diverse group of individuals, including women from various organisations, members of religious groups, and even former slaves. Despite the hazardous conditions and challenges that came with the role, these nurses demonstrated remarkable bravery, compassion, and devotion to their patients. Their tireless efforts and selflessness in the face of danger helped revolutionise the field of nursing, setting a high standard for the profession. They worked…
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Know Everything About Ukraine And It’s Invasion

Know Everything About Ukraine And It’s Invasion

The current invasion of Ukraine via Russian forces is no laughing matter. As we enter the sixth day of the invasion, it is clear that Russia is continuing to invade a sovereign country and Ukraine will not step back either. The invasion, which is also being called the Ukraine Russia War, is slowly turning into a bigger war.  However, this new clash is not born out of anything. Russia and Ukraine have a long shared history, with clashes and shared heritage. Keeping all of that in mind, it is important to do justice to all the sides of this historical…
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Know Everything about the American Civil War flags

Know Everything about the American Civil War flags

Flags are fabrics with unique colors, shapes, and patterns to represent a nation or a group. Flags were very significant during wars as they were an indication of the supporting army. The Civil War flags were the flags that were used by the Federal Union army and the Confederate army during the American Civil War, which started in 1861 and lasted till 1865. The following are the American Civil War flags and the Civil War battle flags.  The Union Flags: The Union flag was similar to the flag of the United States of America civil war flags , with thirteen…
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Know Everything about the Syria Civil War in 2022

Know Everything about the Syria Civil War in 2022

The Syria Civil War is a currently ongoing crisis that includes many nations. The war caused great distress and significant destruction. The Ba’athist Syrian Arab Republic is opposing the Government of Syria with the aid of many external supporting allies. The problems are not just between these two parties but between many other foreign forces and nations. Around 6.2 million people fled the country by internal movements, and approximately 5.7 million people went abroad. Crossing over ten years of continuous conflict, this text provides a Syria Civil War summary and the future prospects of the Syria Civil War. The Beginning…
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Top 10 Causes of American Civil War

Top 10 Causes of American Civil War

The Federal Union and the Confederate were the two opposing parties of the American civil war, which lasted between 1861 and 1865. The Federal Union Army was the representative of the Northern States of America, and the Confederate Army was the Southern States. More than 800,000 casualties were reported, which was the highest number at that time. Some claim the American Civil war was a result long term disagreements among the fighting parties, while some claim the American Civil war was due to proximate reasons that happened in the near past Let’s find out the Top 10 causes of the…
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Know Everything About The Oregon Trail’s History

Know Everything About The Oregon Trail’s History

You may have experienced it through the lens of the old game, but chances are you have no idea what everyday life was really like on Oregon Trail. Packing up your entire life to face a 2,000-mile stretch of death, disease, and danger, life on the Oregon Trail was a lot more exciting, and at the same time, a lot more boring than you would probably ever think. Today we are exploring what life was really like on the Oregon Trail.  The Oregon trail was 2,170 miles of danger and boredom that stretched from Missouri to Oregon. To say daily…
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