
Know Everything about the Admiral Chester Nimitz

Know Everything about the Admiral Chester Nimitz

(February 24, 1885- February 20, 1966): Plethora of stories related to World War II, innumerable contributions, uncountable losses, and so many Heroes of War. These stories are often incomplete with the mention of some particular leader like Chester Nimitz who came in and changed the scenario completely. One such leader is Admiral Chester Nimitz. I am sure you must have heard of this eminent leader, as whenever we talk about the ‘Pearl Harbor Attack’ the story is considered incomplete without the mention of Chester Nimitz. How much informed are you about him? Let us look into his life and his…
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Top 15 Weapons World War 1 to know in 2022

Top 15 Weapons World War 1 to know in 2022

There are Top 15 Weapons World War 1 to know in 2022 that not only killed multiple people at once, but also caused immense physical and mental violence. The First World War is considered as one of the biggest and most tragic wars in the history of mankind. Even though war was not something new to human civilization, in World War I, for the first time, people witnessed a very well planned used of technology for the sake of destruction. The surviving soldiers often suffered with trauma and PTSD for the rest of their lives. Here is a list of…
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Top 15 Weapons World War 2 to know in 2022

Top 15 Weapons World War 2 to know in 2022

Weapons World War 2 is perhaps the most devastating war ever witnessed by mankind. With the interest in the development of technology for the purpose of mass destruction, this war brought to question the moral and ethical implications that scientists and governments choose to ignore or overlook. While there was a reduction in the obsession with chemical weapons WW 2 also have the development of newer and deadlier Weapons World War. Here is a list of 15 deadly weapons used in WW 2. Radio Proximity Fuze Shooting down an enemy aircraft was inefficient and unfeasible until the introduction of the…
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